December 7, 2023
Business Mobile Device Repairs

Business Mobile Device Repairs

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2 Minutes

More and more businesses are moving to mobile-first communications. With BYOD and smartphones becoming the norm for telephony, keeping devices up together and in full working order is more important than ever.

Bytes digital offer mobile device, phone and tablet repair services to businesses across theUK. From Samsung to Apple, Lenovo to Huawei—our in-house team can repair arrange of devices.

Why get your businesses devices repaired?

There are many reasons to repair your device, rather than replace them. Here are a few…

Cost Effective

Unsurprisingly, getting your businesses devices repaired is more cost effective than replacements.

This will cut all costs of having to buy a new device and help your device live longer!

Good for the Environment

Businesses in all sectors are pushing to be more environmentally friendly—from electric vehicles to minimised supply chains. Your mobile device fleet is no different.

Repairing broken or damaged devices is an environmentally friendly way to increase their lifespan. Repaired devices create less electronic waste, less packaging and helps reduce your businesses carbon footprint.

Increasing device lifespan

Businesses with lots of device’s wants to make them last, no matter what happened to them. We can expand your businesses mobile device’s lifespan rather than having to buy new ones or recycling them. This is good for the environment and help reduce E-waste and carbon footprints.

Our in-house team will be able to make your device last aslong as they can, with our expert repair team.

Improving device battery life

Every business need lots of long-lasting mobile device to help them with their business and being able to do work without thinking yourphone is about to run out of battery.

We offer battery replacement to make your Tablet or Phone will last all day without a worry!

Getting the most from your investment

Mobiles and tablets aren’t cheap—especially when purchasing in bulk for a business.Businesses what to make the most from their investments, and repairing devices is one way to do this.

Rather than replacing broken or damages equipment, repairs keep them going for longer, and allows your business to get the most out of the investment.


What can be repaired?

Our expert, in-house team provide a range of mobile device repair services for businesses across the UK. This includes…

Phone & tablet screens

Replacement of smashed or cracked phone and tablet screens for your business.


Improve your devices battery life and add longevity to your investment.

Charging ports

We can replace charging ports in your tablet or mobile and help improve your device.


Replacing the speakers will help add nice clear sounds to your device.

Rear glass and frames

If you have a device that is bent or smashed back glass, we can help you make the device last longer.

How this can help your business

This is cheaper compared to buying a whole new device each time one gets damaged. We will save you time by keeping all your data stored on the device, no more to sending the mobile device away and getting the device back factory reset!

With many years of experience in repairing devices. We can keep your data safe on the device without having to touch anything, your mobile device will come back to you the way you sent it to us but looking brand new!

How to get a repair/quote

It’s very simple! Give us an email, sales@bytesdigital.co.uk and we will prepare to get the devices. Once we have them we will evaluate all devices and give you an email about the costs for each device, We will not begin a repair until we have confirmation!Once we have confirmation, we will order all the parts needed for each device and get to work, most repairs are completed within 1-3 days, but this depends on how many devices and what they need. A more accurate timespan will be given during evaluation.

If you have any questions, or would like some more information about how Bytes Digital can help your business, email hello@bytesdigital.co.uk give us a call on 03331 301 021.

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