What is Pooled Mobile Data?
Pooling mobile data means having multiple devices sharing the data allowance across a group. The business using this allowance will have a specific amount of data that can be shared between different users and devices. In a workplace, there will always be staff members that use more data and some that may use less data, by using data pooling, the light and heavy users will balance out to eliminate the company being penalised if they exceed the data allowance, and it also ensures that the organisation uses every byte of data that has been paid for.
A big decider when considering data pooling being the right choice for your company, is the number of users that you will have in the pool. To receive the most benefits from pooling, it would be recommended to have 10+ users to share the combined data allowance.
All services add to the pool and draw from the combined allocation, meaning even if the sim is on a set plan for example on 10GB, then through the combined pool this user can use more than 10GB.

Advantages of Data Pooling
Cost Effective: By having a pooled data allowance, businesses significantly lower their expenses because of the reduction of individual unit costs. If users consume less data out of the pool, then this allows for the devices with higher use to take on that unused data which cuts the possibility of exceeding the total data allowance, therefore avoiding added costs.
Flexibility & Scalability: It is quite simple and easy to add and remove users from a data pool, should a business need to do so. This convenience is important for businesses that are growing over time but also those whose data needs fluctuate. As more users join, your pooled data grows with them.
Eliminating Overage: With a data pool, the ability to exceed your total allowance is reduced, and your business will make better use of every MB you pay for. For example, if you have 5 users on a 5GB plan each, and one of your users uses 7GB in a particular month, they won't be billed for over usage as the 2GB overage will come from the pool. This is particularly helpful for larger businesses with more numbers as the general pool size is bigger, so there is more room for users to 'pinch' spare data from the pool.

Disadvantages of Data Pooling
Small Numbers of Users: Data pooling is a great tool for businesses with a good number of workers in the pool. As a general rule of thumb, if you have fewer than 10 users, it is usually more cost effective to have non-pooled, single user tariffs. For businesses with 10+ connections, a poole tariff is a great option. The more numbers you have, the bigger the pool and the more cost-effective it becomes.
Roaming charges: When using international roaming through pooled data plans, it will work out more costly. Users will find that they may be able to get international roaming charges cheaper with mobile data plans that are not pooled. As a business, if international roaming is not needed, then it may work out better for your users, however, if this is not the case and international usage is key, then over time it may work out more expensive.
Whilst pooled mobile data plan has many advantages, businesses need to take into consideration the disadvantages that may come along with it.

Who would benefit from data pooling?
Most companies would benefit from mobile data pooling, whether they have 5 users or 300+, theoretically data pools can be used by as many users as they want. The only downfall is that when there are more users within the pool, it comes with higher management needs. Some examples of organisations that would benefit from pooling are shown below.
Site Workers
For example, construction sites. With large numbers of workers on site, you can consolidate their data, and make better use of their existing tariffs.

Widespread Chains
For companies that have multiple sites across the country, whether that be retail branches or office chains. Data pools benefit all users involved to keep them all connected to the same combined pool.
On-The-Road Workforce
Businesses with an on-the-road workforce are one of the biggest benefactors of pooled data. With different deployments each day, users data usage will vary depending on their location, and having a pool to take data from means that your business isn't overspending on data tariffs.