For many businesses, having home workers is an essential part of their day to day running, and the ability to seamlessly connect to those staff members is a vital part of the daily running of a business.
It’s becoming increasingly common for employees to work from their home offices, with businesses seeing an increase in productivity and not having to worry about the cost of larger office space.
Using your telephone system for home working
If you’re considering moving to, or already have staff that work from home, then something you’ll need to consider is how your telephone system is set up.
With an old-fashioned PBX, your business needs to set up a remote worker with their own phone and extension from home, which can be costly and time consuming.
However, with a VoIP telephone system, you can have as many home workers as you need. All they have to do is sign into the phone system from their mobile, computer or desk phone and they’re automatically connected.
All of their contacts, call history, chats and more are synced over all their devices. This allows any home workers to seamlessly carry on their daily business as though they’re in the office.
How does home working work?
It’s a relatively simple premise. Home working allows your staff to continue their daily work from home, rather than the office.
Using our VoIP phone system, home working is simple and easy. It uses cloud technology and voice over IP to connect home workers to your cloud-based telephone system.

Because it uses a broadband connection, VoIP can dramatically reduce costs and set up time for home workers. Using nothing but their existing broadband connection, we can provide a fully-featured office telephone system to your home workers.
How can staff work from home?
You may think that setting up and entire telephone system with home workers is complicated, but that is not the case.
In fact, your home workers don’t even need their own desk phones, they can use a mobile or a computer with a soft phone. These soft phones only require a username and password to set up. Staff can just sit at their home PC, login and make and receive calls as though they had their own deskphone.
Great, isn’t it?
Why would you need to work from home?
Good question. Home working has become increasingly common in the modern day of mobile businesses. Here’s a few benefits of working from home:
Staff don’t need to travel
Having home workers means that staff don’t have to travel as far for their daily work. This allows your staff to save money, and remove commute times. This, in turn, can boost morale.
Work around your kids
Another benefit of home working is working around children and their schedules. We all know that kids schedules can be difficult to work into a full time career. But home working allows staff to seamlessly fit their work around their busy schedules.
Smaller office
Having home workers allows you to increase your workforce size without the costly implications of installing office equipment or adding desks. This can help you reduce your business cost and still increase your staffing, helping to maximise profits.
Home working is a great way to save your business money, and increase your workforce without the need for lots of expenditure. And using a telephone system that fits your home working requirements is even more important. Check out our VoIP telephone systems for more.