July 7, 2020
What is Voicemail to Email?

What is Voicemail to Email?

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2 Minutes

With lots of businesses moving to cloud-based, VoIP telephone systems, features such as voicemail to email are becoming increasingly popular.

What is Voicemail to email?

Voicemail to email is a feature of a VoIP telephone system that sends a copy of your voicemail messages to your email address in a .wav format.

Each voicemail message is sent individually, allowing you to prioritise and listen back to each recording in your own time. It helps staff to better allocate their time, and deal with the most important queries first.

How does voicemail to email work?

To be honest, voicemail to email is very simple. If you’re bust when a caller rings your telephone, the caller is directed to your voicemail. You can present a custom message “thank you for calling etc”.

Once they hear the beep, they record their voicemail message as they normally would, and then hang up. The phone system records this voicemail message and converts it into a .wav file. It then attaches the file to an email and sends it to your email address.

See? Simple.

The email is just like any other, sitting in your inbox until opened. You can easily listen any time. The .wav format also allows you to pause and rewind recordings, which is particularly helpful if you don’t want to miss an important detail of the message.

Voicemail to email
Voicemail to email saves you time on the phone

Why should my business utilise voicemail to email?

There are so many great benefits of using voicemail to email. Namely, convenience, scheduling, speed, ease of use and more.


Voicemail to email is by far the most convenient form of voicemail inbox. Instead of having to dial a number, input a pin and go through all of the options, you can just open an email and listen to your messages. Voicemail to email really does make life a whole lot simpler.


With voicemail to email, it is much easier for your staff to control their time. They can listen at their leisure, flicking through each message in any order, and addressing the most important ones first—rather than having to listen to them in order like a normal voicemail. We also find that lots of our clients like to mark their voicemails as unread, so they know which ones they’ve dealt with.

Always active

While regular voicemail is always ready to receive calls, it doesn’t have the spontaneity of voicemail to email. Voicemails are often left unread or unknown for hours, without the caller knowing that their message has been received. But voicemail to email eliminates this issue, as you can be sure that your team have instant access to their entire voicemail box at once, via their email.

Sharing Voicemails

Having a voicemail in your email inbox means that it can be seamlessly shared between colleagues. This helps improve internal communication and gives your customers a quicker service. It also means that if a member of your team is on annual leave, they can have any voicemail messages forwarded to a colleague, rather than letting them go unnoticed.

How can I get voicemail to email?

Voicemail to email is a modern feature that your business can make use of the you upgrade to a VoIP telephone system.

Voicemail to email is such a helpful feature, that we offer it for free with every VoIP licence. It helps your business to keep on top of all your incoming voicemail messages.

If you have any questions, or would like some more information about how Bytes Digital can help your business, email hello@bytesdigital.co.uk give us a call on 03331 301 021.

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